
Part C - How Does Animal Bioenergetics Help Explain The Net Production Pyramid?

In the report of physiology and biochemistry, cells are frequently thought of as tiny machines in which all events may be explained in terms of either chemical reac­tions, fluid dynamics, electrical fluxes across parti­tions, or the assimilation or emission of calorie-free.

In other words, cellular activities, regardless of their level of complexity, are ultimately founded on the known laws of physics and chemistry.

Those laws of physics and chemistry those are fundamental to an understanding of cellular activities, particularly the production and consumption of energy during cell metabolism.

Free energy and Metabolism :

The metabolism of a cell is characterized by a myriad of chemic reactions in which energy is either con­sumed produced, or transduced (i.e., converted) from one form into another. Metabolism tin be subdivided into two broad categories: catabolism and anabolism.

During catabolic reactions (or reaction sequences), molecules are broken down by the cell into simpler forms; whereas during anabolism, complex molecules are formed from simpler ones. The catabolic and ana­bolic reactions that continue in cells are accompanied by energy changes and it is the study of these changes that constitutes the field of bioenergetics.

Consider, for example, an anabolic process such as the synthesis of new membranes inside the cell. Such biosynthesis requires (consumes) free energy, and this en­ergy must ultimately exist obtained from the cell'south envi­ronment in some grade. Within the jail cell, the free energy (possibly in a new form) is consumed to "bulldoze" the cell's membrane-synthesizing processes.

Whole organisms and individual cells may be assigned to dif­ferent groups co-ordinate to the nature of the materials that they must acquire from their surround in or­der to support their metabolic needs. Almost found cells (i.east., those that contain chlorophyll) and many differ­ent kinds of bacteria require merely CO2, H2O (or H2Due south), unproblematic nitrogen-containing compounds like NH3, and trace mineral elements from their environment in or­der to fulfill their minimum metabolic needs.

These cells or organisms are chosen autotrophs. With the ex­ception of trace amounts of certain vitamins, they tin can alive and abound in the complete absenteeism of an exogenous supply of organic materials. (Indeed, well-nigh autotrophs do not fifty-fifty need an external source of vitamins.) When an autotroph can utilise light equally a source of en­ergy, it is chosen a photoautotroph. Other autotrophs can obtain their energy from the oxidation of inor­ganic substances such as ammonium ions (i.e., NH4 +), ferrous iron (i.e., Fe2 +), or elemental sulfur (South). This kind of autotroph is called a chemoautotroph (see Ta­ble 9-1 for examples).

Energy and Carbon Source of Autotrophs and Heterophs

All fauna cells (and certain plant cells and well-nigh bacteria) depend on an external source of organic compounds and specific vitamins for their metabolism and are therefore chosen heterotrophs. Some heterotrophs ( thousand., a few algae and bacteria) tin can besides use light every bit an free energy source and are chosen photo heterotrophs. However, most heterotrophs crave organic compounds both as a source of energy and every bit raw ma­terials for the synthesis of intracellular components; such heterotrophs are chosen chemo heterotrophs (Ta­ble ix-ane). Energy that is derived by the catabolism of organic materials is used to run across anabolic needs.

The main sources of energy and raw materials for heterotrophic metabolism are polysaccharides, lip­ids, and proteins. Organisms that remove these macromolecules from their environment suspension them down in the successive catabolic stages of metabolism.

Every bit these compounds are chemically degraded, the chemical energy that is inherent in their molecular structure is both released in the grade of estrus and used to create the bonds that form new molecules, as in the attachment of free (inorganic) phosphate to ADP to course ATP (Fig. 9-i). The ultimate primary products of catabolism are NH3, COtwo, and H2O.

The Flow of Materials and Energy durring Catabolism

Although autotrophic organisms can use COtwo, HtwoO and small nitrogenous compounds from their environ­ment, these small compounds practice non past themselves contain plenty extractable chemic energy to sustain the organisms. Consequently, autotrophs likewise absorb energy in the class of light and, using the calorie-free energy, they synthesize simple organic acids from COii and wa­ter (i.eastward., photosynthesis), phosphorylate ADP to form ATP, and synthesize amino acids from the organic acids using incorporated NHiii (a process chosen anima­tion).

Drawing from the puddle of ATP as a source of chemical energy, and using these simpler molecules, cells then synthesize complex molecules such as pro­teins, polysaccharides, nucleic acids, and lipids (Fig. 9-two). All these metabolic activities are accompanied by the loss of some unusable chemical energy as heat.

The Flow of Materials and energy during anabolism

Autotrophic organisms non only possess the en­zymes for the anabolic processes just described only, like heterotrophs, they also have catabolic enzyme sys­tems. Consequently, autotrophs tin produce ATP past breaking down polysaccharides, lipids, and proteins.

Like autotrophs, heterotrophs have ATP-dependent anabolic enzyme systems that synthesize macromolecules, merely most heterotrophs are unable to carry out photosynthesis. Compounds are cycled within cells and besides between cells and between whole organisms as depicted in Figure 9-iii. Each transition is accompa­nied by a specific energy change.Cycles that characterize the interchange of materials within and between heterotrophic and autorophic cells and organisms


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