
How To Protect Your Food Against Bad Weather Animals And Contamination


Jan 11, 2015 - Doreen Warren

I am looking for description on the full camping night requirement which states "Military camp a total of at least 20 nights at designated Scouting activities or events.* One long-term camping feel of upwards to 6 consecutive nights may be applied toward this requirement".   Does this mean that if a scout has attended numerous summer camps, NYLT, and backing trips that are for example 5-7 days in length that merely 1 of these trips tin can be counted toward the 20 nights and that not even a portion of the nights at the other events can be practical toward this?   I would like clarification.  I am receiving feedback from my troop that but the 2 night Camporee events + 1 of his long camp outs can be included.  He is very discouraged that they are telling him that a portion of the other long term camp outs he participated in cannot be included.  He is close to achieving his eagle age and if cannot count any of these nights he will non accomplish his dream of eagle. Give thanks Yous Doreen Warren

Jan thirteen, 2015 - Scouter Paul

@Doreen - That is correct.

May 30, 2015 - John C. Burnham

I accept a Scout working on his Camping MB he only has two more campouts left in society to finish his xx days/nights of camping ground.  Nosotros have one campout scheduled in a few weeks which will get out him with only i campout.  He is going to Summertime Camp (3rd yr).  If they offer the older scouts a hike to ane of the closed camps on the camp property for an overnight would this count towards his concluding overnight he would need for his 20 days/nights?
Thank yous
John B

May 30, 2015 - Scouter Paul

@John - No, the BSA has published a few documents that reiterate that simply One long-term camp can be used towards the Camping merit badge.

Jul 24, 2015 - James Michael

Paul - Are you saying that no portion of a long camp-out can count toward the 20 required nights?

Thank you. James Michael.

Jul 24, 2015 - Scouter Paul

@James - No, I'm saying that the BSA has published statements that only ONE long-term camp can be used, no more than that.  If a scout goes to summer military camp 6 years, only one of those experiences can be used for this merit bluecoat.

Aug 25, 2015 - Helen Keeley

I have a question almost camping requirement 9b.  Would completing the rowing merit badge at a scout summer camp meet the requirements for number 4 of 9b? The four hours were completed over 4 days, so I am non certain if this is considered a trip.  Thanks for whatsoever aid yous can give me.

Aug 26, 2015 - Scouter Joe

@Helen Keeley Quite possibly, it would eventually be determined by his Merit Badge councilor, simply the requirement is meant to be an all at one time trip. IF in that location is no other opportunity to practice another requirement then I would consider it but I would exist looking for them to practise either another requirement or longer trip.

Aug 26, 2015 - Helen Keeley

Thank you for the description on this.  I capeesh it.

Sep 12, 2016 - Mike Nichols

Requirement 9c is causing a petty consternation in our troop. Must the "conservation projection canonical past the landowner" be washed on a campout. On the one hand the answer could be yep, as after all, this is the Camping MB and the introduction to department 9 states "Prove your experience in camping by doing the following." On the other paw, requirements 9a and 9b specifically state, "while on a campout" while 9c does not. Why does the BSA practice this. All confusion would be eliminated with either "while on a campout, perform a conservation project" or "this project need not be performed on an overnight campout."

Editorial commentary bated, our Georgia State Parks oft have "state parks work days" where scouts (or anyone else) tin work very difficult maintaining trails, clearing dead vegetation, etc. While service hours tin can always be earned and are commendable indeed, I would think that this would exist the epitome of the type of conservation project that the BSA had in mind when defining this requirement. But if not done on an overnight campout, will it not count confronting requirement 9c?

Sep 12, 2016 - Scouter Paul

@Mike - Prior to 2006, req #9c did say "On ane of your campouts, perform..."  Since that text was removed, many people interpret that to hateful the project can exist done whatever time.
The scout should ask his merit badge advisor directly to run into what will be allowed by that counselor.

Oct 24, 2016 - Tony Moeller

Regarding the 20 nights of camping. If a couple of those campouts are Scout overnight indoor events, do they count as i of the 20 days. Also, if the sentry has gone on the aforementioned overnight/outside campout on three separate years, I would assume each of those would count as well. I would appreciate clarification on this equally well.

Oct 24, 2016 - Scouter Paul

@Tony - Right in the requirement, information technology states "Sleep each night under the heaven or in a tent you lot have pitched."  That pretty much rules out whatsoever indoor event.
Each campout is a separate outing.   Maybe the troop calls it by the same name each year, simply each year is a different event.

Sep 27, 2017 - Heather

He has his long campout from summer camp. He has done a five night campout which I assume counts every bit i dark. But he had done a ii nighttime campout, does he count that as 1 night too?
Thank you

Sep 28, 2017 - Scouter Mark

four.Take a non-motorized trip on the water of at least four hours or 5 miles. I went on the white water rafting trip with my troop. It was more than 4 hours and well over 5 miles.  Should this be able to exist counted?

Sep 28, 2017 - Scouter Paul

@Heather - He tin apply only one long-term military camp, and then that "5 night campout" should not be counted.  A 2-night campout should count for 2 nights.

@Mark - It sounds similar information technology meets the requirement and should count.

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